Sarah Kudirka

Results for the tag: orange

You Are Here

City Skies Edinburgh #3

City Skies Edinburgh #13

Hidden Lane Colours #81

Standing together, staying ourselves

Dropping stitches and catching on

No overlaps and no connections

Leave room for others to stand

We are all beautiful bubbles (and would pop without each other)

We’re all so special

City Skies Dundee #2

City Skies Dundee #6

City Skies Dundee #13 Time is Memory

City Skies Dundee #19

City Skies Berlin #50

City Skies Berlin #37

City Skies Berlin #70

City Skies Sydney #10

City Skies Sydney #7

City Skies Sydney #3

City Skies Sydney #6


Connected together (and respecting each other is better, way better)

City Skies Glasgow #8

City Skies Glasgow #9

City Skies Glasgow #6

City Skies Glasgow #7

City Skies Glasgow #20

City Skies Glasgow #23

City Skies Glasgow #2

City Skies Glasgow #1

City Skies Hong Kong #55 (IFC)

For Sweeties

Words you Cannot Read II

Flag for the wind and the rain (a warm embrace and loving words)

Lamps – City Skies London triptych

When Did you Last Look Up? – City Skies London triptych

Saffron – London City Skies

Glasgow City Skies

Words You Cannot Read I

2 City Skies unframed paint on polaroid images by Sarah Kudirka

Oranges & Lemons – City Skies London (pair)

HiddenLaneColours 19.20 diptych

I Love This City – Hong Kong

I Love This City (even more when the sky is blue) Glasgow

City Skies Hong Kong #56

Red Orange Purple

Teal Orange Purple

Paradise Row

OrangePink series

Reliquaries II

HiddenLaneColours #112

Belongings series 3, 4, 5, 2002, each 50 x 100 cm

Belongings series 3, 4, 5, 2002