Sarah Kudirka


The art I make is focused on the shapes and edges of stuff, things I am fascinated by including buildings, furniture, shells and domestic objects.
My work is distinctively low-tech and characterised by obliterated, incised, scraped and layered paint surfaces, often painted over Polaroids.

Part of my childhood was spent in East Africa, and my work is still informed by visiting a dig site where the earliest human remains had been found in the ’70s. It left me with the positive idea that we are outlived by things; the ordinary belongings we use, choose, make and inherit or pass on that link us to place, time and culture.

Close your eyes and walk on the ocean

Calming large oil painting by artist Sarah Kudirka. Predominantly pale blue-green background and shell-like forms, large vertical composition with points of contact between the semi-abstract shapes

Some you hold close, others push away

What we take with us and who we leave behind

Sunshine Seeds and Lemon Zest

You Are Here

Over The Ocean, Over The Sea

May we always have enough to share I and II




Stacked, oil on canvas, vertical triptych, 369 x 61cm, by Sarah Kudirka artist, blue background with beige unevenly matched shallow bowls/boats stacked precariously, seeming about to topple.


Colours and Sounds

Flag for playing in sand dunes (a bowl:a boat)

Across Oceans (The Big Blue)

Across Oceans

Shell-Like (Deep Blue)

City Skies Glasgow #1

City Skies Glasgow #2

City Skies Glasgow #6

City Skies Glasgow #7

City Skies Glasgow #8

City Skies Glasgow #9

City Skies Glasgow #35

City Skies Glasgow #36

I Love This City (even more when the sky is blue) Glasgow

I Love This City – Hong Kong

Glasgow DeepRichBlueSkies

Nothing But Blue Skies – Glasgow

100 Glasgow Blue Skies

City Skies Edinburgh #1

City Skies Edinburgh #2

City Skies Edinburgh #3

City Skies Edinburgh #4

City Skies Edinburgh #6

City Skies Edinburgh #10

City Skies Edinburgh #13

Hidden Lane Colours #43

Hidden Lane Colours #44

Hidden Lane Colours 72, 73, 74

Hidden Lane Colours #81

Flag for the wind and the rain (a warm embrace and loving words)

City Skies Dundee #5

City Skies Dundee #6

City Skies Dundee #7

City Skies Dundee #8

City Skies Dundee #9

City Skies Dundee #10

City Skies Dundee #11

City Skies Dundee #12

City Skies Dundee #13 Time is Memory

City Skies Dundee #14

City Skies Dundee #15

City Skies Dundee #16

City Skies Dundee #17

City Skies Dundee #18

City Skies Dundee #19

City Skies Dundee #20

City Skies Dundee #21

City Skies Berlin #7

City Skies Berlin #11

City Skies Berlin #18

City Skies Berlin #19

City Skies Berlin #29

City Skies Berlin #33

City Skies Berlin #34

City Skies Berlin #36

City Skies Berlin #37

City Skies Berlin #40 #41 #42 #44 (after Libeskind)

City Skies Berlin #50

City Skies Berlin #52

City Skies Berlin #54

City Skies Berlin #70

City Skies Berlin #72

City Skies Sydney #1

City Skies Sydney #3

City Skies Sydney #4

City Skies Sydney #5

City Skies Sydney #6

City Skies Sydney #7

City Skies Sydney #9

City Skies Sydney #10

City Skies Sydney #11

City Skies Sydney #13

Sydney, nothing but blue sky

City Skies London #10

Happily So

West End triptych, Glasgow City Skies

Have.Live.Do.Become (I, II, III, IV)

Words you Cannot Read II


City Skies Hong Kong #12

City Skies Hong Kong #17

City Skies Hong Kong #55 (IFC)

City Skies Hong Kong #56

For Sweeties

I Love This City – London

City Skies London #35

City Skies London #40

Lamps – City Skies London triptych